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Robin McGillivray is the patriarch of the German-Scottish McGillivray family, and father of Manfred, Hilda, Inga and Senga.

Personal History[]

Robin McGillivray fought in the Rising, leading to his 3-year imprisonment with Jamie Fraser at Ardsmuir.[1] After Ardsmuir was closed, he was sent to the colonies as an indentured servant. Sometime after his arrival, he met Ute McGillivray and the pair have 4 children, Hilda, Inga, Senga, and Manfred. He is trained as a gunsmith, and works in Cross Creek before opening up shop at Fraser's Ridge.

Events of the Novels[]

The Fiery Cross[]

In October 1770, Robin meets with Jamie Fraser during the Gathering at Mount Helicon. He agrees to come to Fraser's Ridge in the spring of 1771, along with his family. While at the Gathering, Harley Boble accosts Robin's son Manfred, accusing him of taking part in the recent Hillsborough riots. Robin and his wife call for Jamie to help resolve the situation. He and Jamie tell Harley Boble that if he does not leave Manfred alone, Ute will kill him.

In the spring of 1771, Robin and his family take up residence on Fraser's Ridge. They share property and home with Ronnie Sinclair. When Ute attempts to engineer a match between Lizzie Wemyss and Manfred, Robin opens up negotiations with Lizzie's father Joseph. The McGillivrays also build a new home adjacent to their old one.

A Breath of Snow and Ashes[]

Robin continues to live on Fraser's Ridge. His daughter Senga marries Heinrich Strasse, and he takes his new son-in-law on as an apprentice. Though Robin's son, Manfred, is affianced to Lizzie Weymss, the marriage falls through when Manfred confesses to contracting syphilis from a prostitute and flees the Ridge. The McGillivrays, particularly Ute, blame the Frasers and accuse them of slander. The freeze between the two families continues until Manfred returns home a year later, in the fall of 1775.

In February 1776, Robin and Manfred join the rebel militia along with Jamie and a handful of other men from the Ridge.[2] Both Robin and Manfred are present at the Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge.


Robin McGillivray liked a peaceful life, something he was never likely to enjoy in the company of his wife and daughters.

Robin is more timid than his wife. Senga notes that he "can't kill anything" and "He willna even wring a chicken's neck."[3]. He is quiet and serious.

Physical Appearance[]

He is a small and wiry man in contrast to his wife.[3] He has "Roman-coin features" and dark bottle-brush hair.[4]



