Why does Claire wear her wedding ring to Jamie on her right hand? Wasn’t it customary to put it on the left even then? She tools Franks ring off before she got married so the left hand was free just curious ???
It makes more sense in the book, because Claire left Frank's ring on during the ceremony and that's why she wore Jamie's father's ring (and later her silver wedding band) on her right hand.
In the show there may be a slight hesitation on Claire's part and that's why Jamie chooses her right hand, not wanting to push Claire too much, knowing she had been wearing her gold band on the left. But it's not an obvious choice, so I think it's just one of those things that got poorly translated from book to screen.
Ok thank you I didn’t read the books. I always wondered.
Catholics here in Europe we wear our wedding ring on the right hand. Plus it goes deeper for Catholics. Remember Jamie is a "Papist" catholic. "......The Church of England chose the left hand because it was the opposite of what Catholics did.
The rule that we should wear wedding rings on our left hand comes from "The Book of Common Prayer," a collection of prayer books used by the Anglican Church from around 1549. Following the break with the Catholic Church — which is commonly known as the Reformation — the Anglican Church needed service and worship books that were different from those of the Catholic Church. Prior to the Reformation, most of Europe — and therefore the Catholic Church — put the wedding ring on the right hand because it was associated with strength, writes museum conservator George Monger in "Marriage Customs of the World: From Henna to Honeymoons." Link here uk.businessinsider.com/wedding-ring-on-fourth-finger-why-2017-4
While it's true that the Book of Common Prayer designates a hand, it's unlikely that it was the first authority to do so. Wedding rings (or betrothal rings, love tokens, etc.) have been worn on different fingers of different hands throughout history, for any number of reasons. With limited time I couldn't find a great resource on the history, but here is one that gives a glimpse at the variation of custom and how it changed over time: books.google.com/books?id=a4FCAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA194#v=onepage&q&f=false
The reason I was told wedding bands were worn on the left hand was the left hand was closer to the heart. Anyone else ever told that?
Linda Ruth I heard it was because the fourth finger on the left hand is the one that has a vein going to the heart.
You’re probably correct; that does sound more like what I was told - way back when the dinosaurs ruled the world, lol. Thanks for refreshing my memory.
You’re welcome 🙂
Actually in many cultures it is worn on the right.